A theme for both nutrition and movement:
Optimal doesn’t matter if you aren’t even showing up.
Being “optimal” in your training and nutrition is *not* step one. Step one is learning how to show up CONSISTENTLY.
Is deli meat and canned green beans the *most* optimal meal to promote health? Maybe not when compared to home-roasted chicken breast and local vegetables. But OPTIMAL never trumps DOABLE.
Because if it’s not DOABLE for you…it’s actually *not* optimal. Optimal output is the best that YOU CAN ACHIEVE. Read that again. It’s not the best possible option; it’s the option YOU CAN ACHIEVE.
And some good news? As you improve, your optimal level will increase. Maybe walking on the treadmill three times a week is optimal activity for you right now. But as your legs get stronger and you establish the habit of exercising, adding two strength training sessions per week becomes achievable for you.
While I used to think of “optimal” as THE BEST, I now know optimal is ACHIEVABLE. There is no need to feel defeated if you know you won’t be able to achieve THE BEST option out there (we’re not all Olympic athletes with personal chefs, right?), because the best option is actually the option that is DOABLE for you.
So get out there and start making moves. Because everyone starts somewhere. And the “somewhere” isn’t important, but the starting is.