Well, hi there! Just wondering: have you ever dealt with insecurity? They kind that pits you against every other female because you’re not as pretty/fit/smart/funny/charismatic/successful/creative/inspirational/brave/whatever value you hold in high esteem? The kind that makes you believe that if someone else has something, you can’t possibly have it too because there is definitely not enough to go around? ‘Cause…yeah. I have!!!! It’s a super sucky feeling, But what if I told you there IS enough to go around? That each of us CAN be the most *insert desirable characteristic* in our own way? If you’re thinking that sounds like a participation-trophy-my-mom-says-I’m-special crock of bullsh*t, let me explain what I mean.
Two fatal thought-processes defined my insecurity: external comparison and scarcity mindset.
1. External comparison: the constant measuring my worth against (my perception of) other people. Am I prettier than her? Am I more athletic than she is? Do I sound smarter than she does? Am I more popular than her?
2. Scarcity mindset: the belief that there is a limited, pre-determined amount of resources available, and if I don’t stake my claim first, then I don’t get to have that thing at all.
Woof. But, good news: these are completely FALSE.
First, once I was able to shift from EXternal to INternal comparison, the game completely changed. Here’s how I adjusted my thoughts: Am I better than I was yesterday? Am I giving my personal best effort to things that matter to me? Am I being true to my values? Am I putting energy into building skills and characteristics that will allow me to live the life I know I’m called to live? My actions started coming from a place of introspection and personal alignment instead of from a place of desire for external validation.
Next, I began to realize…opportunity is limitless. There *is* room for everyone, and here’s why: humans are completely unique. I know it’s popular to call people “snowflakes” in a derogatory way these days, but…it’s kinda true, right? No one thinks the way you do, no one has your experiences, no one makes the same connections in their mind, no one has been impacted by life events or other people in the same way, no one has the same circle of influence. You can be doing the *exact* same thing as someone else on paper, but it doesn’t matter because you are reaching people and expressing ideas that would be impossible for anyone else to reach or express but YOU. Dang! (and this is the point where it feels appropriate to acknowledge God’s specific and purposeful plan for each of our lives. It’s real! And only you can do what He is specifically calling you to do.)
So, if you need some encouragement today, here’s what I want you to know from personal experience: what she has was never meant for you. There is a purpose so specific and an audience so tailored to what you have to give this world that you are the ONLY person equipped to deliver that message.
CAN I GET AN AMEN?! Now go out and live it!!
Hope, thanks for posting things like this. It’d hard to remember that everyone has insecurities. I always need to remind myself that I am the only me and that makes me special.